
Other people make it look easy.

Compassionate and clever memes fill up your social media – but deep down, you have a sneaking suspicion that it isn’t really this hard for everyone else. And if it isn’t this hard for everyone else, you might start to wonder…what is wrong with me?

Isn’t it just a terrible time in the world?

I don’t think I’m doing my best, but – given the circumstances, I can’t imagine doing any better.

You already know that nobody is perfect, and perfection isn’t your goal. But you still have the feeling that something must be terribly wrong. 


And terrible or not, time is rushing by so quickly.

You meant to address issues, but now – two, five, ten years have gone by, and the guilt is setting in.

When you see your kids exhibiting insecurities and problematic behaviours, you question yourself: “Is this the result of something I did?”

Which evokes the question: am I too late? Is this beyond repair?”

When you think about it, the stakes are so high. Most of the time, it can feel easier to ignore the problem entirely.

And you have so much on your plate.

You’re already completely exhausted. Another project feels overwhelming.

 But your current level of stress isn’t sustainable.

Confronting situations and dynamics that you want to change can be difficult – when these things involve parenting, the guilt can be crushing, and the process feel daunting.

Families need support. You deserve support.

Parenting is difficult. Everybody says it, but you’ve started to suspect that their definition of difficult might be very different from yours. 

And if it is just you, that seems like such an awful reality you’d prefer to ignore it entirely.

But there is good news – it isn’t just you. Parenting involves complicated dynamics that vary from parent to parent and from child to child. The act of parenting a child takes place inside a system, and understanding how that system works is key to changing the dynamic within the family, and addressing the problem. 

Become an insider.

Imagine how much better it would feel to be in that process – instead of looking in from the outside.

Reach out today at (415) 858-9454 for your complimentary 20-minute phone consultation.

Let’s face the challenges together – so you can parent with strength, resilience, and confidence.