Severe Mental Illness – High Conflict Personalities

You’re on the brink of crisis.

Ambivalent – so many conflicting feelings you never even imagined were possible.

Frustrated – sometimes, beyond the breaking point.

Powerless – you would do anything to change things, make things better, end pain and heartache, restore peace and happiness.

But you can’t. Not only can you not stop it, but it seems as though it will never end. And sometimes, it feels as though it’s breaking you.

And this doesn’t feel right.

It might feel selfish; it might evoke feelings of guilt.

After all, shouldn’t you be grateful that your loved one is doing as well as they are?

But we need to acknowledge the inconvenient truth: caregivers, the family and friends of individuals with severe mental illness need support, too.

You’re running out of options.

If it feels like your only choices are to excise the person from your life – or to have your own mental health impacted by the symptoms of their condition – it’s important to know two things.

You’re not alone.

And you have choices in navigating your relationship.

We will work together to identify your needs and boundaries – so you can widen your range of options.

Remember. Regain. Reset.

The road you’re on is long and difficult. And sometimes, it seems as though there’s no road at all. 

But you’re strong – even stronger than you know, and with support, you can make your way through.

Remember who you are and that you deserve care, too. 

And reset a stronger, healthier pathway toward the future. Reach out today by calling (415) 858-9454.