Situational Anxiety-Adjustment Disorder

Some problems are immediately identifiable – late-stage pancreatic cancer, the suicide of a parent, a divorce that you knew was going to be bad (But this bad? Really?)

And like all high functioning people everywhere, you’ve responded to crises by utilizing your healthy coping skills. In fact, you have utilized those coping skills so efficiently you have exhausted them entirely.

Lately, you are wondering if you might have adopted certain behaviours that, while alluring in the short term, are less healthy – yet their role as a temporary (and only marginally effective) anesthesia in your life, is growing.

You find yourself casting sidelong glances toward that extra glass of wine and spending more and more hours on social media, distracting yourself with the drama of other people.

You may have even reached the point where these maladaptive coping strategies have produced problems of their own, like brain fog, diminished productivity, or fractured relationships.

You’ve identified the problem, but you can’t seem to pivot…

You’re well-versed in mindfulness, the importance of physical health, the dynamics of healthy interpersonal relationships, and the pitfalls of grey-area substance use.

You have been an expert in how best to meet your goals. In fact, you’ve spent most of your adult life exceeding them.

But despite everything, you feel like life is passing you by, and the solution to your problems remains out of reach.

You aren’t sure what shifted from the time you woke up anticipating your days, confident of the possibility of living with joy, knowing that you could attain your goals?

You can’t identify when you stopped revelling in your family, and started seeing them as a source of exhaustion.

And you feel stuck.

Your problem isn’t necessarily that you don’t know what you should be doing. You’re an expert at that. You’re practically multilingual in the language of healthy coping skills and good mental health.

But this feels different, and you’ve exhausted your repertoire of tools.

I work with clients to identify solutions that work. My treatment plans are results-driven and evidence based. 

I work with clients to design treatment plans that restore your quality of life – with tangible road markers and measurable changes.

You are strong. You will get through this. 

You might be facing challenges you’ve never experienced before, but you can rise to meet them. I can show you how to get back your sense of agency – to regain your confidence and sense of certainty.

Whatever you’re dealing with – let’s face it together: (415) 858-9454